[separator top= »-55″ style= »none »] [fullwidth backgroundcolor= »#f6f6f6″ backgroundimage= » » backgroundrepeat= »no-repeat » backgroundposition= »top left » backgroundattachment= »fixed » bordersize= »1px » bordercolor= »#e5e4e4″ paddingTop= »10px » paddingBottom= »20px »] [separator top= »0″ style= »none »]

Avada 3.0: Now Includes The Ability For A 100% Width Page

Yes that’s right, you can now have a 100& Full Width Page! Along with the new page template is a full width shortcode that you can use to contain content, insert background images or use a background color along with awesome scrolling effects. The new layout possibilities are absolutely stunning!

[/fullwidth] [separator top= »50″ style= »none »] [one_fourth last= »no »] image 1
[/one_fourth] [one_fourth last= »no »] image 1
[/one_fourth] [one_fourth last= »no »] image 1
[/one_fourth] [one_fourth last= »yes »] image 1